Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Nobel Prizes

Hello once more readers!
Today's post I think that it is different but at the same time really interesting, and I hope you would like it as much as I like it when Ana, our teacher of ICT, explained us the topic to write about in our blogs. The topic is about people who had won a Nobel Prize, and from all people who had won a prize I have chosen Robert G. Edward's prize of 2010, on the section of Physicology and Medicine because of the development he made in vitro fertilization. Basically I chose it because I like medicine section, and I think, that any development on this sector significates a lot for all humans and our health.


       Robert G. Edward was born in 1925 in Batley, England. After military service in the Second World War, he studied biology at the University of Wales in Bangor and at Edinburg university in Scotland. After been studding years, he became a staff scientist at the National Institute for Medical Research in London in 1958 and that same year, he initiated the human fertilization process. 

         Many years of investigation later, he innovating different method to solve the infertilitatiot, fertilizaing outside the body. The new technique took the name of IVF treatment, was used fertilizing an egg and developed into an enbryo with 8 cells, later this was returned to the mothers womb. In 1977 the firts "test tube baby" was borned healthy and save. 

           IVF had move from vision to reality and a new era in medicine had begun. By 1986 more than 1.000 children had already been born following IVF. Today, IVF is an established therapy all over the world. It has developed  several important improvements now, single sperm can be microinjected directly into the egg cell in the culture dish. IVF is a safe and effective therapy, 20-30% of fertilized eggs lead to the birth of a child and studies have shown that children borned in this way are as healthy as other children.

 Do some of these children had been born by IVF method?

If you are interested in todays topic, here I let you more Nobel Prizes from the last 12 years: Nobel Prizes (2001-2012)

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


This last post is something a bit different from the others, it is a story written by group with my partners of class, Izadi Egizabal, Sara BIrawi, Ander Belza, Kepa Imaz, Usoa Aldazabal and me, Idoia Eceiza. Totally we have made six different stories, here I let you the original page were we made my story, Destiny together.

I hope you will like this original project!


Because of the destiny or just luck Victoria had to make a project of history with Chris. She started to experiment new feelings that she had never felt before. That occurred the first time she saw Christian getting inside her class. All was so strange, she liked him, but she didn’t dare to speak him. But that day, even if Victoria felt really embarrassed at first, she had to start speaking with him. 

They instantly fell in love. They had so many things in common, both liked to swim, walk in the mountain, even the same series of TV. And of course, the work they made was perfect. The teacher was so amazed that asked if they had made with any kind of help. They were made one for the other. They began dating every day, it didn't matter if it was raining, storming, snowing or if the next day they had ten exams. But suddenly Victoria notified that Chris was behaving a little strange.

When they met, Chris was always very nervous. They started to talk and to do their homework and he wasn’t the Chris that she used to know. One day, they were talking about the homework they had in Victorias and suddenly, Chris started to cry. Victoria knew that something strange was happening and after he stopped crying she asked what was happening. Chris dried his tears and he explained all the story: 

“Victoria, I love you with all my forces but, I have to tell you something: two days ago, my father said to me that I have to go away to a distant country because... I have a serious problem, I have a strange disease, and if I don’t go... I will die.”

Then, Victoria started to cry, she didn’t know what to say, she was very surprised, so she started to cry, she couldn’t understand it, what kind of disease can he have for going away? But she didn’t ask it him, she can not. She was shocked. “Why has to happen it? He has all his life for living!” she thought. 

The day to separate from Victoria reached but Victoria asked Chris if she could at least help him to the airport. The trip on car took many hours, Chris and Victoria spent the first 3 hours of the voyage speaking, crying, telling beautiful things to each and remembering old memories where they were happy. They stayed like that until they fell asleep hugged. Victoria woke up after an hour and she realised that Chris was in a deep sleep. He was sleeping so deep that he didn’t breath.

Victoria start crying and shouting, when the driver saw Victoria, and he realized about what was happening stopped the car. Someone that was around them in the street called to the ambulance. Meanwhile Victoria was looking the lifeless body of Christ, but she dont know wat to do. When the ambulance arrive, they went really fast to the hospital. One young woman talked with Victoria and she tried to console her, then she said her that she would have to wait because they were trying to save the life of Chris. Approximately 2 hours later the same woman say that Chris was alive and in this moment Victoria become the happiest women of the world and she decided that he will go anywhere in the world if like this she could stay with his love.


Here I let you my group members works too, have a look, they are great!

Sara Biraw- The best decision 
Ander Belza- Nightmare Night

Monday, October 15, 2012


      One more time I'm here readers, I love the topic about I'm going to speak you today, and I think that it is important to speak about it because even all those years, all women we have won positions in this society demonstrating the equality that we merit in this world, nowadays, still in the 21st century  are many aspects to improve yet.

       It's true that women and men are different, and as we are different, we have different abilities and necessities, but don't never forget that being different is not to be lower. In our society there is a discriminatory culture to the women although less than many years ago. Today, men, husbands and bosses abuse of one power that realy they don't have against women, causing property damage, psychological or many times, physical too.

       Every year on 8th March all women revindicate our rights, we focus on the economic, political and social sectors. The very first International Women's Day was celebrated on 19th March (not on 8th) by Clara Zetkin, this date was chosen because on 19 March in the year of 1848, even if the Prussian King failed about many promises he made, he introduced the right of voting for women. But 1911 was the year were the voice of the women superated all expectation with its power. Meetings were organized everywhere, in all small towns too. That day, men stayed at home with their children, and their wives, the captive housewives, went to meetings for a change. In 1913 International Women's Day was changed to 8 of March, becoming the global date for International Women's Day.

The role of women has changed significantly in the past three decades. Today, women and girls have many more opportunities than years ago. Today, we go to school, and to the university, we work and we have the same options in live than men. Even that not allways women and men we are the same in front of the low, theorically yes, but in many other places of the world, because of the different cultures this equality isn't  aplycated, a really evident difference about men and women is in the muslim culture.  

      Today the Arab woman is in a state of submission, women are inferior to men by nature taking, it's total and absolute primacy over it. This rule we can see in a passage of the Koran, witch sayes this: "The men are over women because God has favored some over others, and because they spend of their wealth in favor of women. To those of who fear disobedience, admonish them, confine them in their rooms, hit them. If they obey you, there will not be an excuse to mistreat. God is Most High, great "

Here I let you, one videos that reflect the reality of many womans, and is the way to finish with all type of violence, taking actions about it;

          I think, that now is time  of the change, time to let all differences back, and start a new future, a better future. This message is not only wor women, men and women we have to work twogether to win this war of the equality.

Monday, October 1, 2012


This post is for all of you, teenagers that you use any type of social websites, and to your parents too if they aren't very sure how is all this world and they want to learn about it. 

I always say that people that don't have at less one account of this type can't speak about it as if they were experts, and many times only saying the bad sides of them, because this isn't like this. So, like I girl that haves more than one accounts of this type, and uses them daily I feel that my point of view could be interesting to you.

We all know that most of the teenagers as me, nowadays has a social website as tuenti, facebook, twitter...  This virtual places are fantastic places to chat with your friends, post your photos and see photos of people you know too and many other things but all this is fantastic if you use it correctly, because although we always think that strange things couldn't happen us, this happen every day, and can happen you too if you don't know how to control your privacy.

I am going to speak about tuenti because is the account that I use more, and I control it very well. So, if you have tuenti, get into right now, and if you don't, just read it because all this type of websites has got similar settings. So, if you are on your perfil and ones you are in settings, change the option that puts that all tuenti can see your perfil to only your friends, this is to your security to guaranties you that only your friends could see your perfil. Remember that all the information tuenti ask about you is not necessary to answer, you can let it in white questions like, where do you live, whats your telephone, your school... I recommend you to put just necessary information as your name and surname, and your city, all this is optional but if you give less information always is going to be more difficult someone that you don't know or just you don't want to localise you. If you have done this now is time to get in to your friends section, revise all people you have and if you don't know who are some of them, don't wait, delete them! And last advise, but not less important one, change your password at list one time per year, and don't tell this anyone, this is your personal site, and nobody need to know your password.

That's all friends, this are just my advises, you can follow them or not but from now on you know what can you do to navigate saver in this type of social pages, and, even all this if some day happen something strange you, don't dude and tell it to your parents or somebody of  your confidence and take arrangements.

Here I let you a trailer of a movie rationed with cyberbully, it shows how the life of a normal girl as you or me changes dramatically because of the social websites, and how her life gets a hades. I think will be interesting, I am going to see it, and I recommend you to do it too!

PD: Don't forget that you can leave here your experiences, your point of view or anything you want. xx

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Hello people!
I'm Idoia from dbh4 (secondary level) and right now i'm in ICT's class. As you see you are inside my blog, and next to this first presentation post i will go putting more interesting posts about the works that Ana our teacher of ICT's gives us. I invite you to read my blog on the following months. 

I will be waiting you! <3